The Microsoft Student Ambassador
The Microsoft Student Ambassador
All of a sudden, the Microsoft Student Ambassador nominations were called in and 14 champs sent in their nominations. It was a couple of tense days till the list of shortlisted champs were announced.
5 champs were shortlisted for the interview round. I was one among them!
Tensions were high, no one knew wht the interview round had for us. Questions were being asked abt the interview, but no answeres were being given anywhere!
Finally, the fateful day came, or rather the fateful evening. I had made no special preparations. I just landed at the Takt office in time for the interview. The interview was rather only a test of temparment to be an Ambassador than a test of knowledge.
WE were all advised to improve our tech skills since we are ambassadors – this gave us the clue that we were all thru!
And true it was, the next day, we were all happy to see Kevin carry 4 Ambassador kits into the meeting room. Only the outstation guy was ousted due to his attitude. The rest four bangaloreans made it thru.
And good times prevailed… The princi was happy, my family was exalted, my name featured on the college notice boards.. was one week of a great time!
Check out my profile on the Microsoft Website:
Sunday December 11, 2005